Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

The Magic World of Harry Potter

Although Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallow on the screen originates from the book of Harry Potter (HP) 7, they are have many differences. I’m not yet seen this movie, but as Harry Potter fan, i have been search all of information and discuss with other fans about this difference. First of all is the body. Harry Potter on screen divides into two parts. Part 1 will be launched on Nov 2010, and the other part will launched next year.  

As HP fan, i am dissapointed because the book of HP 7 is not divide into two parts. Second is the story. On screen, because it's divides into two parts, the story is not complete. Like the other HP movie, many scenes on the book will not showed, and the director is dismiss many important scenes. My friend says, there are many new plot will added and dramatized especially the battle of HP and his greatest enemy, Lord Voldemort. If we are not HP fans, we will confuse about the story which seen on the movie. In contrast, the book of HP 7 is very clear. All of information are complete and we get the holistic knowledge about character, the logical reason behind the character, and the sequence of story. For me, HP 7 is the best and the most important than the other HP books because it explains every events in previous books.

Third is  the imagination. As audience of the movie, our imagination is limited because everything is shown on screen. Unlike the movie, the book allows us to explore in the new kind of world. Our imagination is traveling into the world of magic, finding the amazing creatures like house elf, dragon, and giant. The books are open our mind to possible thing in our life, meet the wise man such Albus Dumbledore, and feel the reason and emotion behind every character. As Harry Potter fan, I prefer read the book than watch the screen. Don’t you?

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