Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Eat, Love, and Pray

Today, I am watching Eat, Pray, and Love at Metropole XXI, Jakarta. It is very interesting movie from Julia Roberts. It tells us about Elizabeth Gilbert, a woman who was searching a meaning through travelling in three different countries; Italy, India, and Indonesia. In each country, she learned different things and enrich herself with reflection from the reality.

In Italy, she learned about the taste of food and found the philosophy to taste everything without woryous about fat. She says, the modern living force us to keep our body but ignore the reality that we must enjoy our life. In Italy, Elizabeth learns how Italian enjoys their life. I like the quotation from Elizabeth friends, “You are American. You only know about work, work, and work. You don’t know about how to enjoy your life like Italian when they eat pizza.”

In India, Elizabeth learned about devotion to what she believes. She learned spirituality through meditation in Ashram, traditional yoga community, in Delhi, India. Meditation is not something easy like you eats pizza. Meditation is devotes yourself to God, and concentrate all of your body. Elizabeth practice meditation with the guidance of the man from America. In this movie, we know that the man have terrible situation like Elizabeth too. He loses himself when his family died.

And finally, in Indonesia, Elizabeth visit Bali. She learn many thing from Ketut Liyer, the medicine man from Ubud. I love Ketut Liyer says, “You must smile. Not only smile in your face, but also in your mind, and your heart.” The conversation between Elizabeth and Liyer is my favorite scenery in this movie. I find the gap between the modern knowledge and traditional knowledge. In many cases, the traditional knowledge always loses, but in this movie, the two kind of thing can enrich together and listen each other. In Bali, Elizabeth finds her truly love too through the man from Brazil

After seen this movie, I asked to myself. If I have the chance to travelling like Elizabeth, will I creates the travel diary with the lot of meaning like Elizabeth? Let the times answer that question.(*)

The Magic World of Harry Potter

Although Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallow on the screen originates from the book of Harry Potter (HP) 7, they are have many differences. I’m not yet seen this movie, but as Harry Potter fan, i have been search all of information and discuss with other fans about this difference. First of all is the body. Harry Potter on screen divides into two parts. Part 1 will be launched on Nov 2010, and the other part will launched next year.  

As HP fan, i am dissapointed because the book of HP 7 is not divide into two parts. Second is the story. On screen, because it's divides into two parts, the story is not complete. Like the other HP movie, many scenes on the book will not showed, and the director is dismiss many important scenes. My friend says, there are many new plot will added and dramatized especially the battle of HP and his greatest enemy, Lord Voldemort. If we are not HP fans, we will confuse about the story which seen on the movie. In contrast, the book of HP 7 is very clear. All of information are complete and we get the holistic knowledge about character, the logical reason behind the character, and the sequence of story. For me, HP 7 is the best and the most important than the other HP books because it explains every events in previous books.

Third is  the imagination. As audience of the movie, our imagination is limited because everything is shown on screen. Unlike the movie, the book allows us to explore in the new kind of world. Our imagination is traveling into the world of magic, finding the amazing creatures like house elf, dragon, and giant. The books are open our mind to possible thing in our life, meet the wise man such Albus Dumbledore, and feel the reason and emotion behind every character. As Harry Potter fan, I prefer read the book than watch the screen. Don’t you?

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

About My Lecturer

I want to tell you about my lecturer in English class at LBI UI. On the first day, I meet Harumi M Ayu. She is called Memmy. I don’t know what it means. She is the most beautiful lecturer. I love her way of teaching us. She never uses Indonesian vocabulary, so we do not only learn about writing, but also learn to listen and to speak. Memmy inspires us to speak English every day and do not hesitate to our english. When the first day I meet Memy, I know, she will be a good lecturer for us.

The second lecturer is Rahma. Like Memmy, She is beautiful woman too, but Memmy is still my favourite lecture. Rahma teaches us listening and vocabulary. To create a happy situation, she always plays a game with us. Sometimes I never find the distance between Rahma and us. She never acts like a teacher with homework or many tasks. She is one of us and always encourages us to improve our english together. I love Rahma’s ways of teaching.

The third lecturer is Mrs Anne. She is senior lecture since mid 1970. I am amaze with her patience to teach us about structure. She is teaches us from the beginning, and she is never angry if we do not understand what she has taught us. For me, structure is the hardest task in toefl test. Sometimes I hate structure task because it makes English like a mathematic. If you do not remember the pattern, everything you write will be failure. Mrs Anna is one of the best lecturers in UI. I love her motivation to share her English knowledge. I hope she can help us to change our perception about structure, the hardest task in toefl test. I hope someday, we can say that structure is the simplest task in toefl test. Isn’t it?

My First Week

This is the first time for me to learn English with regular and intensive. It's been two days for me to be in the room and every moment I hear the sentence in English. The International Language Institute (LBI), University of Indonesia (UI), has a special method to increase the score toefl. We do not just learn how to improve Toefl score, but are placed in a situation where every day we can use that language. So, I learned to write, read, even to give the presentation. I hope, my toefl score will increase because every day I learn to use this language.

This afternoon, my class is also studied with a native speaker, a resident of the United States (US). Her name is Mrs Ferguson. I eventually learned how specific vocabulary is spoken by a native speakers. I can learn a lot from her. She explained the word 'thirsty', 'thick', and words starting with 'th' must be pronounced with the tongue in front of the tooth. She says it is Westerners way. If we do not follow their way, the sound will different. In this lecture, I know that the different way of pronunciation will creates different sound.(*)

First Time

i create this blog to flow the river of idea in my mind...