Rabu, 17 November 2010

Talking About Gay Marriage

when gay people insist their right...

Like in Netherland, gay marriage in Indonesia should be legalized. Those who disagree with this idea may argue that gay marriage is prohibited by government law and religious law. They might say that gay marriage will break the law of nature and will destroy the social order that it has been established for thousand years. This is true if we thinking that gay is an epidemic which affect people or animal, but totally wrong when we are talking that gay is only different sexual orientation, not a desease, and their right must be protected by government law.

Like us, gay is a human too who has the right to choose with whom he or she will be married. Like us, gay has the right to be happier in a marriage. They want to existed and recognized as a human being with the same right in our society. When they are not doing criminal action, there is nothing to be worried about gay. Many researchers in United Nations of Children and Emergency Fund (Unicef) have been declare that the population of gay is increase in many cities, but it is not described into statistic data.

Because our people think that gay is totally wrong, many gay hidden their sexual orientation. They join into gay community to share their problems include the restriction of gay marriage. According to Unicef researchers, the restriction of gay marriage has been increased the migration to other countries like Netherland which allowed the gay marriage. They move and change their citizenship so that they can marriage with their partner. Unfortunately, many of them are prominent figure or professional who have contribution to this country. With all of these facts and considering the human right and the freedom of human expression, the gay marriage should be legalized.